Connie's Vegan Wraps
Source: Connie Kim
Tub of Hummus (e.g. Costco)
Pack of tortillas
Pack of English Cucumbers (e.g. Costco)
Bag of Power Greens (e.g. Costco)
3 red bell peppers
1 medium red cabbage
Micro Greens (e.g. Trader Joes)
slice red cabbage thinly
Slide red bell peppers thinly
Cut 2 cucumbers in half, then cut each half into quarters (total 16 slices)
On a paper towel, start wrap with 1/4 cup of Hummus spread onto tortilla top half, then layer a handful of the power greens
Place cucumber slices in the center of the greens, then place a small handful of red cabbage above cucumber.
Line 6 or so slices of red bell peppers below the cucumber
Place microgreens on top of the cucumber
Flip bottom half of tortilla over all the igredients and fold the bottom half snugly underneath the ingredients fora snug fit/wrap
Roll the wrap over one time to complete
Wrap each Veggie wrap in plastic for storage
Paper towel helps keep the wrap together and soaks up some of the vegetable humidity - and keeps your hands clean while eating
Wraps will keep in the fridge for 5 days
Iceberg lettace leaf can be used instead of tortia for reduced carbs; lasts in fridge for 1-2 days
Recipe from Connie Kim in May 2021
collect ingredients
Slice ingredients
Place in wrap
Roll into wrap